Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection

Taiwanese poetry from the period of Japanese colonial occupation

The Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection (全台詩博覽資料庫) presents a compendium of specifically Taiwanese poetry from the period of Japanese colonial occupation (1895-1945). It includes collections of poetry from nearly 100 poets’ clubs and 1,000 individual poets, with a total of over 28,000 poems and 27 million words. The poems are compiled from a variety of source publications, including the newspapers Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpō (台灣日日新報) and Taiwan Minpō (台灣民報 [People’s News of Taiwan]), journals such as Shibao (詩報 [Poems]), Taiwan jiaoyu hui zazhi (台灣教育會雜誌 [Taiwan Association Magazine]), Jing you (警友 [The Friend of Police]), and Taiwan tiedao (台灣鐵道 [Taiwan Railway]), and more than 30 other periodicals . The poems cover a variety of genres: modern poetry, classic poetry, and lyric poetry. During the early decades of Japanese colonial rule, many Taiwanese poets carried on the classical literary tradition of China’s Ming and Qing dynasties. Around the 1920s, a new literature began to develop, including modern poetry. The Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection allows researchers to conduct in-depth investigations into individual poets and literary trends during this unique period in Taiwanese history and culture.

Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1896-1943
  • Language: Traditional Chinese content and interface
  • Number of Titles: over 28,000 poems
  • Format: Full text
  • Producer: TBMC
  • Platform: TBMC

About the Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection

Produced by Transmission Books & Microinfo Co., Ltd. (TBMC), a well-known online content producer from Taiwan, the Taiwanese Classic Poetry Collection presents a robust collection of Taiwanese poetry in full text. Metadata for each poem includes title, author, preface, notes, comments, source and version information. Content is searchable by title, author, poem text, preface, notes, comments, sources and editions.

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