Jiefang Ribao Digital Archive

The newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Liberation Daily (Yan’an Edition) (解放日报延安版 jiefang ribao, yan’an ban) was an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It was founded on May 16, 1941 and ceased publication on March 27, 1947 when the Central Committee moved to northern Shaanxi Province. Its 2,130 issues have great historical significance and research value related to the early propaganda work and political theory of the Communist Party of China, especially Comrade Mao Zedong’s guidance on the revision of the newspaper and the top-down editorial management of the newspaper.

On the eve of the liberation of Shanghai in 1949, the Central Committee decided to hand over Liberation Daily to Shanghai. This collection covers the issues that were published under the Central Committee, known as the Yan’an Edition.

Jiefang Ribao

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1941-1947
  • Language: Chinese
  • City: Yan’an
  • Country: China
  • Frequency: Daily
  • Format: PDF, page-based
  • Producer: Green Apple
  • Platform: Green Apple

A resource for the early propaganda work of the Communist Party of China

The Jiefang Ribao Digital Archive contains published issues from 1941-1947 in full-text, full-image format, with the capability to view articles side-by-side as text and images.

The reconstructed digitized version of Jiefang Ribao has the same layout as the original newspaper, the content is complete and accurate, and the text is clear and legible.

The Jiefang Ribao Digital Archive offers scholars the most comprehensive collection available for this title, and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and 100% searchable text. The interface is in Simplified Chinese, and content is in Traditional Chinese.

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