Newspapers of the North Caucasus, Abkhazia and South Ossetia (UDB-NCA)

News coverage from one of the most volatile areas of Russia and the former USSR

Newspapers of the North Caucasus, Abkhazia and South Ossetia (UDB-NCA) covers publications from the North Caucasus, a region that faces continual instability, and witnesses violence occur on a regular basis in places like Chechnya and Dagestan. The collection includes publications from the two disputed breakaway territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Northern Caucasus

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1998-present
  • Language: Russian; some in Chechen
  • Countries: Georgia, Russia
  • Frequency: Varies
  • Updates: Continuous
  • Format: Full text
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database

UDB-NCA Titles

Active titles in the Newspapers of the North Caucasus, Abkhazia and South Ossetia collection include:

  • Dagestanskaia pravda
  • Ingushetiia
  • Iuzhnaia Osetiia
  • Kabardino-Balkarskaia pravda
  • Kerla dahar
  • Khalkan dosh
  • Respublika Abkhaziia
  • Serdalo
  • Severnaia Osetiia
  • Sovetskaia Adygeia

A full list of titles and holdings can be downloaded below.

East View’s Universal Database™ Platform

As the largest provider of authoritative information on Russia and the former Soviet Union, East View offers an innovative approach to electronic research. We maintain redundant hosted environments for this content in Minneapolis and Moscow on our Universal Database™ platform (UDB).

Customize and Optimize Your Library
  • Build collections from individual online titles
  • Link options for Online Public Access
  • IP/password access to standard or custom collections
  • Stable URLs for linking on a database level or on individual title and article levels
  • Mirror servers in U.S. and Russia
  • Usage reports in COUNTER format
Increase Your Efficiency
  • Interface functions are optimized for specific content types
  • Browse by specific title and issue
  • Mobile friendly access
  • Easily exportable citations
  • Transliteration, Russian, Ukrainian or English language searches
  • Virtual Russian and Ukrainian keyboard displays available for ease of input

* UDB and Universal Database are international trademarks of East View Information Services, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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