Russian Radio Engineering Journals (UDB-RAD)

Specialized journals on a range of scientific and technical subjects

The Russian Radio Engineering Journals (UDB-RAD) collection includes 14 titles from the Moscow-based Radiotekhnika Publishing house, a respected publisher of scientific and technical journals, digests, and books. The journals in this collection cover a range of subjects, including quantum theory and quantum computing, nanotechnology and materials, satellites, communication and broadcasting technology, artificial intelligence and neurocomputers, radioengineering and electronics, energy-efficient technologies, non-linear systems, biomedical technologies, information systems, and more.

Russian Radio Engineering Journals

Key Stats

  • Archive: 2020-present
  • Language: Russian; two titles in Russian/English
  • City: Moscow
  • Country: Russia
  • Frequency: Varies
  • Format: PDF, article-based
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database

UDB-RAD Titles

The Russian Radio Engineering Journals (UDB-RAD) collection contains the following titles:

Antenny  [Антенны, Antennas]
Bimonthly, in Russian, established 1966, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal on main areas of antenna and feeder devices theory and engineering

Biomeditsinskaia radioelektronika  [Биомедицинская радиоэлектроника, Biomedical Radioelectronics]
Bimonthly, in Russian, established 1998, archive from 2020-present
Publishes articles on bio-material science, biomedical technologies, and the interaction of physical fields and radiation with biological objects, as well as the development of new electronic devices for use in biology, biomedical technology, and medicine

Dinamika slozhnykh sistem – XXI vek  [Динамика сложных систем – XXI век, Dynamics of Complex Systems – XXI Century]
Quarterly, in Russian and English, established 2011, archive from 2020-present
The main objective of the journal consists in representation of research results in the investigation of dynamic processes into complex technical systems (mechanical, information technologies and computers, radioengineering and electronics, physical systems, control systems)

Elektromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy  [Электромагнитные волны и электронные системы, Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems]
Bimonthly, in Russian, established 1996, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal elucidating fundamental and applied problems concerning the development of new mathematical methods, mathematical modeling of physical processes, space research, microwave physics and engineering, millimeter and submillimeter waves, metrology and information-measuring systems

Informatsionno-izmeritel’nye i upravliaiushchie sistemy  [Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы, Information-measuring and Control Systems]
Bimonthly, in Russian, established 2003, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal devoted to problems of the development and design of information-measuring and control systems

Nanotekhnologii: razrabotka, primenenie – XXI vek  [Нанотехнологии: разработка, применение – XXI век, Nanotechnology: Development and Applications – XXI century]
Quarterly, in Russian, established 2009, archive from 2020-present
This international scientific and technical journal covers the following questions: physical and physico-chemical processes and phenomena in nanostructured materials; issues of researching and applications at the various branches of engineering; nanomedicine and medical nanorobots; nanoelectronics in radar systems; nanoelectromechanical systems, additive technologies; element base of nanoelectronics, etc.

Naukoemkie tekhnologii  [Наукоемкие технологии, Science Intensive Technologies]
8 times per year, in Russian, established 2000, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal elucidating new science intensive energy-efficient technologies in Earth science, ecology, medicine, and industry

Neirokomp’iutery: razrabotka, primenenie  [Нейрокомпьютеры: разработка, применение, Neurocomputers: Development and Applications]
Bimonthly, in Russian, established 1999, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal devoted to the development and applications of artificial neural networks and neurocomputers

Nelineinyi mir  [Нелинейный мир, Nonlinear World]
Quarterly, in Russian, established 1999, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal elucidating fundamental areas of physics and mathematics from the point of view of synergy and nonlinear dynamics

Radiotekhnika  [Радиотехника, Radioengineering]
Monthly, in Russian, established 1937, archive from 2020-present
A leading scientific and technical journal in Russia. It covers wide spectrum of problems in priority areas of the development in communications, radar, navigation, and radioelectronics

Sistemy vysokoi dostupnosti  [Системы высокой доступности, Highly Available Systems]
Quarterly, in Russian and English, established 2006, archive from 2020-present
The journal covers scientific and engineering problems of ensuring confidentiality, availability, and integrity for the class of information-telecommunication systems of high availability (HAITS), which contain such critical technologies of development

Sputnikovye sistemy sviazi i veshchaniia  [Спутниковые системы связи и вещания, Satellite Communication and Broadcasting Systems]
Biannually, in Russian, established 1998, archive from 2020-present
Analysis of the existing and projected Russian and foreign satellite communication and broadcasting systems, technical and economic aspects, and information for the main companies that operate and develop such systems

Tekhnologii zhivykh sistem  [Технологии живых систем, Technologies of Living Systems]
Quarterly, in Russian, established 2004, archive from 2020-present
International scientific-theoretical and practical journal elucidating fundamental and applied problems of life sciences

Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki  [Успехи современной радиоэлектроники, Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics]
Monthly, in Russian, established 1947, archive from 2020-present
Scientific and technical journal about modern problems of radioelectronics and related areas of science and engineering

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