A comprehensive collection of Chinese legal information

The premier academic and professional legal database in China, PKU Law (also known as ChinaLawInfo, CLI, LawInfoChina) contains a comprehensive record of historical laws and regulations from both the government and the Communist Party of China dating back to 1921 (formation of CCP). The cases database is comprised of hundreds of millions of civil, criminal, and administrative legal cases that are not reliably accessible elsewhere online. Official English translations of laws, regulations, and key cases are available for a large portion of documents. Collections in the PKU Law universe that are available for package or individual purchase include educational video materials, analysis tools, and reference works.


PKU Law Collections

The PKU Law universe includes 17 databases available for purchase. Content is hosted on the PKU Law platform, with Chinese and English interfaces.

  • Laws & Regulations Database (法律法规, aka ChinaLawInfo)
    Provides comprehensive information on China’s national-level laws and regulations as well as judicial interpretations, local regulations, legal trends, legislative history, contracts and legal forms, and laws and regulations from foreign countries

  • English Translations (aka LawInfoChina)
    English translations of important laws and regulations, guiding judicial cases, tax treaties, government-issued law gazettes, legal news, and policy (white) papers

  • Cases Database (司法案例)
    Chinese mainland cases and judgments, case news reports, and arbitration awards and cases

  • Law Journals Database (法学期刊)
    Indexes and full text of leading Chinese law journals and legal bulletins, from their first publication to the present

  • Reference Database (专题参考)
    Reference materials for law professionals, including information on trial standards, law practice, and legal literature, as well as the text of the Law Yearbook of China and other non-journal legal literature

  • PKU Law Video (法宝视频)
    Hundreds of videos of lectures from preeminent legal scholars. Video training provided to legal practioners in China’s judiciary. Comprehensive courses by legal experts explaining specific areas of law

  • Law Firm Practice Database (法宝律师)
    Collects law firms’ publications, including those of lawyers’ associations, periodicals and journal, as well as lawyers’ online publications

  • Procuratorial Instruments Database (检察文书)
    Procuratorial legal instruments and significant case information involving nine types of cases: anti-corruption, anti-dereliction, investigation supervision, public prosecution, appeal, civil and administrative prosecution, review of death sentence, railway prosecution, and criminal execution

  • Criminal Practice Database (刑事法宝)
    Practical guidance for criminal justice and defense according to Chinese Criminal Law, the latest laws and regulations, and typical cases with relevant criminal doctrine theory

  • IP Information Database (IP法宝)
    Provides laws, regulations, cases, and articles relating to intellectual property. Intelligent analysis and comparison of relevant data with the help of AI and big data

  • Administrative Penalty Data (行政处罚)
    Central and local administrative penalty data, including law enforcement processes, penalties, and punishments

  • Labor Service Database (劳动法宝)
    Authoritative guide to labor law, related cases, and controversial rulings for labor and HR professionals

  • Business Environment Database (营商环境)
    Business laws, regulations, articles, and trends combined with business environment reports of the World Bank and relevant information of local governments. Cross-linked with Laws & Regulations

  • CCP Laws & Regulations (党内法规)
    Comprehensive and historic public information of the laws and regulations of the Chinese Communist Party

  • Case Analysis (类案检索)
    Big data analysis of legal topics combining integrating judicial cases, laws and regulations, adjudicatory rules, expert explanations, and academic views to form a three-dimensional information system

  • Legal Mindmap (思维导图)
    Systematic and interactive “map” or categorization of legal resources and content ideas based on legal theory

  • Civil Code Encyclopedia (民法典)
    Reference database for Chinese Civil Code

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