WorldCat Cataloging Partner Collections from East View

MINNEAPOLIS, USA. March 10, 2020 – East View Information Services, a leading provider of information products in foreign languages, including Russian, Chinese, and Arabic, etc., is pleased to participate as a material provider for WorldCat cataloging partner collections available in WorldShare Collection Manager.

“We understand that it is a challenge to get physical materials, especially in foreign languages, on the shelf quickly,” said Zina Somova, East View’s Director of Operations. “That is why we partnered with OCLC to be a material provider in the WorldShare Collection Manager’s WorldCat cataloging partner collections.”

Libraries use cataloging partner collections to streamline workflows and get new print materials into circulation quickly. Order information for books supplied by East View is automatically sent to OCLC. Collection Manager processes this data, following your customized specifications, to match your ordered titles to existing WorldCat records, deliver MARC records, and set holdings in WorldCat.

“OCLC has worked closely with East View Information Services for years,” said Mary Sauer-Games, OCLC Vice President, Global Product Management. “East View provides OCLC with records containing high-quality descriptive information for materials in a variety of languages. This new relationship will make it possible for libraries using WorldShare Collection Manager to automate record delivery and get these vital print materials to their users quickly.”

With cataloging partner collections, libraries can get new East View materials to users faster, with these benefits:

  • Automatically receive customizable WorldCat MARC records that can include invoice number and date, price, barcodes and more
  • Receive shelf-ready books from East View or get print-ready spine and pocket label files with preferred classification system call numbers from OCLC
  • Automatically maintain WorldCat holdings

If your library is an active subscriber of OCLC Cataloging & Metadata and would like to add an East View cataloging partner collection, please contact East View at [email protected] to get started.

If you aren’t using WorldCat cataloging partner collections and would like to start, please visit to learn more or to see a complete list of material providers, please see

About OCLC
OCLC is a nonprofit global library cooperative providing shared technology services, original research and community programs so that libraries can better fuel learning, research and innovation. Through OCLC, member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, the most comprehensive global network of data about library collections and services. Libraries gain efficiencies through OCLC’s WorldShare, a complete set of library management applications and services built on an open, cloud-based platform. It is through collaboration and sharing of the world’s collected knowledge that libraries can help people find answers they need to solve problems. Together as OCLC, member libraries, staff and partners make breakthroughs possible.

About East View Information Services

East View Information Services ( is a leading provider of English- and foreign-language information products and services, including Russian, Chinese, and Arabic databases, print periodicals, books, and research collections. The company serves all geographies and many market segments, including academic institutions, government organizations, corporations, public and federal libraries, and law firms. East View is headquartered in Minneapolis, USA, with major offices in Russia and Ukraine.


Grant Bistram, Marketing Director
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1-952-252-1201
Fax: +1-952-252-1202
East View Information Services, Inc.
10601 Wayzata Boulevard
Minneapolis, MN 55305 USA